C++ 11 new feacture (Lvalue and Rvalue)

Understanding Rvalue and Lvalue

C++ 11 instroduced rvalue reference.


Lvalue- an object that occupies some identifiable location in memory.

Rvalue- any object that is not a lvalue

Lvalue Example:

  int i ; // i is a lvalue, for i's address has a unique ID.

  int * p = & i ; // i's address is identifiable 

  class dog;

  dog d1; // lvalue of user defined type (class),here d1 is a user defined lvalue.

    // most variables in c++ code are lvalues.

Rvalue Example:

  int x = 2; // 2 is a rvalue

  int x = i + 2; // i+ 2 is a rvalue

  int* p = &(i+2); // error

  i + 2 = 4; // error

  2 = i; //error

  dog d1; 

  d1 = dog (); // dog() is rvalue of user defined type

  int sum(int x, int y) {return x + y;}

  int i = sum(3, 4); // sum (3,4) is a rvalue


Rvalue : 2, i + 2, dog(), sum(3,4). x+y;

Lvalue: x, i , d1


Reference (or called lvalue reference) !!!

  int i;

  int& r = i;

  int& r = 5; // error

  exception: constant lvalue reference can be assign a rvalue

  const int& r = 5; (we can think a lvalue temp is created with 5, and temp assignes a rvalue )

  int square(int& x) {return x*x};

  square(i); //ok

  square(40); // error


    int square(const int & x ) {return x*x;} // square(40) and square(i) work.

  Lvalue can be used to create an rvalue; 

    int i = 1; //i is lvalue

    int x = i + 2;  //i + 2 is rvalue

    int x = i;  // i in fact is lvalue, but here it is internnal transformed into rvalue.

  Rvalue can be used to create an lvalue

    int v[3];

    *(v+2) = 4; // v+ 2 is rvalue, *(v+2) is lvalue and can be assigned a value 5.

C++ 11 new feacture (Lvalue and Rvalue)


so the function return can be lvalue, in above example, the function return foo is myglobal(lvalue).

C++ 11 new feacture (Lvalue and Rvalue)


 here c is lvalue, but it is declared using const, so it is not modifiable.


C++ 11 new feacture (Lvalue and Rvalue)


so the saying of rvalue not modifiable is only valid for user defined type.

not for the state of dog object.

C++ 11 new feacture (Lvalue and Rvalue)






原文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/yunpengk/p/12954748.html




    C++ 11 new feacture (Lvalue and Rvalue)





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