with respect to more than one object.(More Effective C++)

Let us assume, however, that you must implement your game in C++ — that you must come up with your own way of implementing what is commonly referred to as double-dispatching. (The name comes from the object-oriented programming community, where what C++ programmers know as a virtual function call is termed a "message dispatch." A call that's virtual on two parameters is implemented through a "double dispatch." The generalization of this — a function acting virtual on several parameters — is called multiple dispatch.) There are several approaches you might consider. None is without its disadvantages, but that shouldn't surprise you. C++ offers no direct support for double-dispatching, so you must yourself do the work compilers do when they implement virtual functions (see Item 24). If that were easy to do, we'd probably all be doing it ourselves and simply programming in C. We aren't and we don't, so fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy ride.  

原文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhtf2014/archive/2012/03/21/2410273.html



    with respect to more than one object.(More Effective C++)





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