

man ac命令后的解释是‘打印用户连接时间的统计数据’。


-d 日统计

-p 每个用户的统计



$ ac

total 312.64

$ ac -d

Oct 8 total 48.11

Oct 9 total 74.71

Oct 12 total 86.85

Oct 14 total 58.57

Today total 44.82

$ ac -p

lizh 313.09

total 313.09



  • ac的登陆时间和注销时间日志记录在哪个文件?
  • 何时会写入登陆和注销日志记录?
  • 日志记录的格式是什么?
  • 统计时间的算法是什么?




ac文档手册:man ac;

wtmp文档手册:man 5 wtmp;








The system wide login record file. See wtmp(5) for further details.



The wtmp file records all logins and logouts. Its format is exactly like utmp except that a null username indicates a logout on the associ‐ated terminal. Furthermore, the terminal name ~ with username shutdown or reboot indicates a system shutdown or reboot and the pair of termi‐nal names |/} logs the old/new system time when date(1) changes it.wtmp is maintained by login(1), init(8), and some versions of getty(8)(e.g., mingetty(8) or agetty(8)). None of these programs creates the file, so if it is removed, record-keeping is turned off.



查阅login(3)文档,里面有段话,大体意思是讲:login()的时候以struct utmp* ut为参数,用USER_PROCESS值填写ut->ut_type,并且填写ut->ut_pid等等。在logout()的时候,会将ut->ut_type写入DEAD_PROCESS;除此之外我们还得考虑reboot和shutdown的情况,在这种情况下,所有用户基本都在同一时间退出,这时wtmp文件中用户名被记录为reboot和shutdown。



有个工具:dump-utmp,我们利用这个工具查看wtmp文件 ,我们先用一个用户名在控制台1登陆再注销,运行命令:

$dump-utmp /var/log/wtmp


1 lizh                            |tty1                            |7|    | 1433|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Sat Oct 15 10:45:11 20112 lizh                            |tty1                            |7|1   | 8251|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Sat Oct 15 10:45:11 20113                                 |tty1                            |8|    | 1433|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Sat Oct 15 10:45:56 20114 LOGIN                           |tty1                            |6|1   | 8302|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |Sat Oct 15 10:45:56 2011

这个输出格式在dump-utmp文档中有说明,是以'|'分隔, 每行以user name, tty, type, id, pid, hostaddr, host, time的顺序排列的,我们关心的是第一列user name,第二列tty,第三列type,最后一列time,除了type外都比较了然,type的定义在wtmp的文档中有说明,如下:
Linux编程实践——代码实现ac命令Linux编程实践——代码实现ac命令View Code

#define EMPTY         0 /* Record does not contain valid info                                      (formerly known as UT_UNKNOWN on Linux) */#define RUN_LVL       1 /* Change in system run-level (see                                      init(8)) */#define BOOT_TIME     2 /* Time of system boot (in ut_tv) */#define NEW_TIME      3 /* Time after system clock change                                      (in ut_tv) */#define OLD_TIME      4 /* Time before system clock change                                      (in ut_tv) */#define INIT_PROCESS  5 /* Process spawned by init(8) */#define LOGIN_PROCESS 6 /* Session leader process for user login */#define USER_PROCESS  7 /* Normal process */#define DEAD_PROCESS  8 /* Terminated process */#define ACCOUNTING    9 /* Not implemented */





/* utmplib.c  - functions to buffer reads from utmp file * *      functions are *              utmp_open( filename )   - open file *                      returns -1 on error *              utmp_next( )            - return pointer to next struct *                      returns NULL on eof *              utmp_close()            - close file * *      reads NRECS per read and then doles them out from the buffer */#include        <stdio.h>#include        <fcntl.h>#include        <sys/types.h>#include        <utmp.h>#define NRECS   16#define NULLUT  ((struct utmp *)NULL)#define UTSIZE  (sizeof(struct utmp))static  char    utmpbuf[NRECS * UTSIZE];                /* storage      */static  int     num_recs;                               /* num stored   */static  int     cur_rec;                                /* next to go   */static  int     fd_utmp = -1;                           /* read from    */utmp_open( char *filename ){        fd_utmp = open( filename, O_RDONLY );           /* open it      */        cur_rec = num_recs = 0;                         /* no recs yet  */        return fd_utmp;                                 /* report       */}struct utmp *utmp_next(){        struct utmp *recp;        if ( fd_utmp == -1 )                            /* error ?      */                return NULLUT;        if ( cur_rec==num_recs && utmp_reload()==0 )    /* any more ?   */                return NULLUT;                                        /* get address of next record    */        recp = ( struct utmp *) &utmpbuf[cur_rec * UTSIZE];        cur_rec++;        return recp;}int utmp_seek(int rec_offset, int base){    off_t newpos;    int   rv;    if ( base == SEEK_CUR )        rec_offset += ( cur_rec - num_recs );    newpos = lseek(fd_utmp, (off_t) rec_offset*UTSIZE, base);    if( newpos == -1 )        return -1;    cur_rec = num_recs ;            /* will force reload */    return  newpos/UTSIZE;}int utmp_reload()/* *      read next bunch of records into buffer */{        int     amt_read;/* read them in         */        amt_read = read( fd_utmp , utmpbuf, NRECS * UTSIZE );                                                /* how many did we get? */        num_recs = amt_read/UTSIZE;                                                /* reset pointer        */        cur_rec  = 0;        return num_recs;}utmp_close(){        if ( fd_utmp != -1 )                    /* don't close if not   */                close( fd_utmp );               /* open                 */}


#include <stdio.h>#include <assert.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include "utmplib.c"#define USERNUM 6struct utmp_record{    short ut_type;    char ut_user[UT_NAMESIZE];    char ut_line[UT_LINESIZE];    int32_t login_sec;};void show_info(struct utmp*);void showtime(long);int  main(int ac, char* av[]){    int wtmpfd;    struct utmp* utbuf=utmp_next();    if(utmp_open(WTMP_FILE) == -1){        perror(WTMP_FILE);        return -1;    }    while((utbuf=utmp_next()) != ((struct wtmp*)NULL))          show_info(utbuf);    utmp_close();    return 0;}/* *      show info() *                      displays the contents of the utmp struct *                      in human readable form *                      * displays nothing if record has no user name */void show_info( struct utmp *utbufp){    //  if ( utbufp->ut_type != USER_PROCESS )    //    return;     printf("%-8.8s", utbufp->ut_name);      /* the logname  */     printf("");                            /* a space      */     printf("|%-8.8s", utbufp->ut_line);      /* the tty      */     printf("");                            /* a space      */     printf("|%d", utbufp->ut_type);     printf("");     showtime( utbufp->ut_time );            /* display time */#ifdef SHOWHOST     if ( utbufp->ut_host[0] != '' )         printf(" (%s)", utbufp->ut_host);/* the host    */#endif     printf("n");                          /* newline      */}void showtime( long timeval )/* *      displays time in a format fit for human consumption *      uses ctime to build a string then picks parts out of it *      Note: %12.12s prints a string 12 chars wide and LIMITS *      it to 12chars. */{        char    *cp;                    /* to hold address of time      */        cp = ctime(&timeval);           /* convert time to string       */                                        /* string looks like            */                                        /* Mon Feb  4 00:46:40 EST 1991 */                                        /* 0123456789012345.            */        printf("|%12.12s", cp+4 );       /* pick 12 chars from pos 4     */}




struct utmp_record{    short ut_type;                             //type    char ut_user[UT_NAMESIZE];     // user name    char ut_line[UT_LINESIZE];        //tty    int32_t login_sec;                       //登陆时间    int32_t logout_sec;                     //注销时间    double diff;                                 //登陆时间与注销时间的时间差};


#include <stdio.h>#include <assert.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <string.h>#include <time.h>#include "utmplib.c"#define RECORDSIZE 256struct utmp_record{    short ut_type;                 //type    char ut_user[UT_NAMESIZE];     // user name    char ut_line[UT_LINESIZE];    //tty    int32_t login_sec;           //登陆时间    int32_t logout_sec;          //注销时间    double diff;                 //登陆时间与注销时间的时间差};struct utmp_record record[RECORDSIZE];int num_rd = 0;  //整理日志后的记录数量void show_wtmp(struct utmp*);  //打印wtmp内容void showtime(long);         //打印时间(按照时间格式)void show_sorted();void  show_totaltime();    //打印总连接时间double sec2hour(double );  //秒换算成小时int  main(int ac, char* av[]){    int wtmpfd;    struct utmp* utbuf=utmp_next();    int i;    if(utmp_open(WTMP_FILE) == -1){        perror(WTMP_FILE);        return -1;    }    memset(&record[0],0,sizeof(struct utmp_record)*RECORDSIZE);    while((utbuf=utmp_next()) != ((struct utmp*)NULL))    {        // show_wtmp(utbuf);        if((utbuf->ut_type == USER_PROCESS))        {                for(i=0; i < num_rd; i++)                {                    if( (strcmp(record[i].ut_user,utbuf->ut_user)==0)&&                        (record[i].login_sec == utbuf->ut_time))                    {                        break;                    }                }                if(i == num_rd)                {                    record[num_rd].ut_type = utbuf->ut_type;                    memcpy(record[num_rd].ut_user,utbuf->ut_user,UT_NAMESIZE);                    memcpy(record[num_rd].ut_line,utbuf->ut_line,UT_LINESIZE);                    record[num_rd].login_sec = utbuf->ut_time;                    num_rd++;                }        }        else if(utbuf->ut_type == DEAD_PROCESS){            for(i=0; i < num_rd; i++){                if(record[i].ut_type == USER_PROCESS                   && strcmp(record[i].ut_line,utbuf->ut_line)==0                   && utbuf->ut_time > record[i].login_sec)                    {                    record[i].logout_sec = utbuf->ut_time;                    record[i].ut_type = DEAD_PROCESS;                    record[i].diff = difftime(record[i].logout_sec,record[i].login_sec);//计算时间差                }            }        }        else if((utbuf->ut_type == RUN_LVL && strncmp(utbuf->ut_user,"shutdown",8)==0)                || (utbuf->ut_type == BOOT_TIME && strncmp(utbuf->ut_user,"reboot",6)==0)){            for(i=0; i < num_rd; i++){                if(record[i].ut_type == USER_PROCESS                   && utbuf->ut_time > record[i].login_sec ){                    record[i].logout_sec = utbuf->ut_time;                    record[i].ut_type = utbuf->ut_type;                    record[i].diff = difftime(record[i].logout_sec, record[i].login_sec);                }            }        }}    //  show_sorted();    utmp_close();    if(ac == 1 ){ //不带参数的ac令命        show_totaltime();     }    else if (ac == 2){        //..带参数的ac命令,例如:        //ac -p 按照用户名统计        //ac -d 按照日期统计    }    return 0;}/* *      show info() *                      displays the contents of the utmp struct *                      in human readable form1 *                      * displays nothing if record has no user name */void show_wtmp( struct utmp *utbufp){    //  if ( utbufp->ut_type != USER_PROCESS )    //    return;     printf("%-8.8s", utbufp->ut_name);      /* the logname  */     printf("");                            /* a space      */     printf("|%-8.8s", utbufp->ut_line);      /* the tty      */     printf("");                            /* a space      */     printf("|%d", utbufp->ut_type);     printf("");     showtime( utbufp->ut_time );            /* display time */#ifdef SHOWHOST     if ( utbufp->ut_host[0] != '' )         printf(" (%s)", utbufp->ut_host);/* the host    */#endif     printf("n");                          /* newline      */}void show_sorted(){    int i = 0;    for(i=0; i < num_rd; i++){        printf("%-8.8s",record[i].ut_name);        printf("");        printf("|%-8.8s",record[i].ut_line);        printf("|%d",record[i].ut_type);        printf("");        printf("%d",record[i].login_sec);        printf("");        showtime(record[i].login_sec);        printf("");        printf("%d",record[i].logout_sec);        printf("");        showtime(record[i].logout_sec);        printf("");        printf("|%f",record[i].diff);        printf("n");    }}void show_totaltime(){    int i=0;    double total =0.0;    time_t now_t = time(NULL);    for(i=0; i < num_rd;i++){        if(record[i].ut_type != USER_PROCESS){            total += record[i].diff;        }        else {            record[i].diff = difftime(now_t,record[i].login_sec);            total += record[i].diff;        }    }    printf("   total    %.2fn",sec2hour(total));}void showtime( long timeval )/* *      displays time in a format fit for human consumption *      uses ctime to build a string then picks parts out of it *      Note: %12.12s prints a string 12 chars wide and LIMITS *      it to 12chars. */{        char    *cp;                    /* to hold address of time      */        cp = ctime(&timeval);           /* convert time to string       */                                        /* string looks like            */                                        /* Mon Feb  4 00:46:40 EST 1991 */                                        /* 0123456789012345.            */        printf("|%15.15s",cp+4 );       /* pick 12 chars from pos 4     */}double sec2hour(double secs){    double hours = (secs/60.0/60.0);    return hours;}



  • 为了便于编程,整理后的数据结构数组个数,用的宏RECORDSIZE直接定义;
  • 带参数执行未实现,像-p、-d参数,可在目前程序基础上再做扩展;
  • 用户更改系统时间时对执行结果的影响,未作作相应处理。








上一篇 2023年2月8日 上午11:52
下一篇 2023年2月8日 上午11:53
