

[IOU = frac{Area_{A cap B}}{Area_{A cup B}}

如果框为轴向包围盒,则可以参考IOU及NMS实现 ,但有时会遇到旋转框问题,这里对旋转框IOU计算方法做一个记录。


参考论文 RRPN中提出的旋转框IOU计算方法


  • 输入: 由((x, y, w, h, theta))表示的一系列矩形,其中((x, y))表示框的中心坐标,(w)表示框的宽度,(h)表示框的高度,(theta)表示框由轴向包围框顺时针旋转至当前位置的角度。
  • 输出: 任意两矩形之间的IOU值



  • 将四边形(A)(B)边的交点存于点集(P_{set})
  • (A)落在(B)内部的顶点存于点集(P_{set})
  • (B)落在(A)内部的顶点存于点集(P_{set})
  • 对点集(P_{set})中点按照逆时针排序
  • 三角化后计算三角形面积,其和即为交集面积(Area_{A cap B})
  • (IOU_{AB} = frac{Area_{A cap B}}{Area_{A} + Area_{B} - Area_{A cap B}})


2.1 坐标转换

((x, y, w, h, theta))表示矩形,在计算点集(P_{set})时需要依据矩形四个顶点坐标,所以需要弄清楚中间转换过程。
如上图所示,红色框(A'B'C'D')为目标斜框,绿色框(ABCD)表示轴向框,轴向框顺时针旋转(theta)后得到目标斜框,现需要求出斜框各顶点(A', B', C', D')的坐标。


依据中心点(O'(x, y))和框的宽度(w)和高度(h)可以得到中心点(O')到轴向框各顶点坐标的向量分别为(O'A(frac{w}{2}, frac{h}{2}) quad O'B(frac{w}{2}, -frac{h}{2})), (O'C(-frac{w}{2}, -frac{h}{2}) quad O'D(-frac{w}{2}, frac{h}{2}))



[T = begin{bmatrix}
costheta & sintheta \
-sintheta & costheta \
end{bmatrix} ]

所以向量(O'A' = T cdot O'A, quad O'B' = T cdot O'B, quad O'C' = T cdot O'C, quad O'D' = T cdot O'D)
(O'A')求解为例,其横坐标(X_{O'A'} = costheta * frac{w}{2} + sintheta * frac{h}{2}), 纵坐标(Y_{O'A'} = -sintheta * frac{w}{2} + costheta * frac{h}{2})


(O'A'(w * costheta * 0.5 + h * sintheta * 0.5, -w * sintheta * 0.5 + h * costheta * 0.5))


(A'(x + w * costheta * 0.5 + h * sintheta * 0.5, y - w * sintheta * 0.5 + h * costheta * 0.5))


(O'B'(w * costheta * 0.5 - h * sintheta * 0.5, -w * sintheta * 0.5 - h * costheta * 0.5))

(O'C'(-w * costheta * 0.5 - h * sintheta * 0.5, w * sintheta * 0.5 - h * costheta * 0.5))

(O'D'(-w * costheta * 0.5 + h * sintheta * 0.5, w * sintheta * 0.5 + h * costheta * 0.5))


(B'(x + w * costheta * 0.5 - h * sintheta * 0.5, y - w * sintheta * 0.5 - h * costheta * 0.5))

(C'(x - w * costheta * 0.5 - h * sintheta * 0.5, y + w * sintheta * 0.5 - h * costheta * 0.5) ==> C'(2x - X_{A'}, 2y - Y_{A'}))

(D'(x - w * costheta * 0.5 + h * sintheta * 0.5, y + w * sintheta * 0.5 + h * costheta * 0.5) ==> D'(2x - X_{B'}, 2y - Y_{B'}))


struct RotatedBox {
  float x_ctr, y_ctr, w, h, a;

struct Point {
  float x, y;
  Point(const float& px = 0, const float& py = 0) : x(px), y(py) {}
  Point operator+(const Point& p) const {
    return Point(x + p.x, y + p.y);
  Point& operator+=(const Point& p) {
    x += p.x;
    y += p.y;
    return *this;
  Point operator-(const Point& p) const {
    return Point(x - p.x, y - p.y);
  Point operator*(const float coeff) const {
    return Point(x * coeff, y * coeff);

void GetRotatedVertices(const RotatedBox& box, Point(&pts)[4]) {
  // M_PI / 180. == 0.01745329251
  double theta = box.a * 0.01745329251;
  float cosTheta2 = (float)cos(theta) * 0.5f;
  float sinTheta2 = (float)sin(theta) * 0.5f;

  // y: top --> down; x: right --> left
  pts[0].x = box.x_ctr + sinTheta2 * box.h + cosTheta2 * box.w;
  pts[0].y = box.y_ctr + cosTheta2 * box.h - sinTheta2 * box.w;
  pts[1].x = box.x_ctr - sinTheta2 * box.h + cosTheta2 * box.w;
  pts[1].y = box.y_ctr - cosTheta2 * box.h - sinTheta2 * box.w;
  pts[2].x = 2 * box.x_ctr - pts[0].x;
  pts[2].y = 2 * box.y_ctr - pts[0].y;
  pts[3].x = 2 * box.x_ctr - pts[1].x;
  pts[3].y = 2 * box.y_ctr - pts[1].y;

2.2 线段求交



double EPS = 1e-5;
float Cross2d(const Point & A, const Point & B) {
  return A.x * B.y - B.x * A.y;

bool Insert(const Point& A, const Point& B, const Point& C, const Point&D, Point&P)
     Point AB = B - A;
     Point CD = D - C;
     float det = Cross2d(CD , AB);

      // This takes care of parallel lines
      if (std::fabs(det) <= 1e-14) {
        return false;

      Point AC= C - A;

      double t = Cross2d(CD, AC) / det;
      double u = Cross2d(AB, AC) / det;

      if (t > -EPS && t < 1.0f + EPS && u > -EPS && u < 1.0f + EPS) {
         P = A + AB * t;
         return true;

2.3 点是否在多边形内部




double EPS = 1e-5;
float Dot2d(const Point & A, const Point & B) {
  return A.x * B.x + A.y * B.y;

bool IsInner(const Point& A, const Point&B, const Point& C, const Point&D, const Point& P){
    const Point& AB = B - A;
    const Point& AD = D - A;
    float ABdotAB = Dot2d(AB, AB);
    float ADdotAD = Dot2d(AD, AD);

    Const Point& AP = P - A;
    float APdotAB = Dot2d(AP, AB);
    float APdotAD = Dot2d(AP, AD);

    if ((APdotAB > -EPS) && (APdotAD > -EPS) && (APdotAB < ABdotAB + EPS) && (APdotAD < ADdotAD + EPS)) {
        return true;
    return false;

2.4 点集排序

参考博客凸包(Convex Hull)问题算法详解以及凸包算法(Graham扫描法), 这里采用Graham(格拉翰)扫描法
博主给了个动图,很好的演示了算法流程, 动图地址请==>动图


  1. 先找出y值最小的点,如果存在y值相等,则优先选择x值最小的作为起始点(P_{0}),该点一定处于凸包上;
  2. (P_{0})作为原点,其他所有点减去(P_{o})得到对应的向量;
  3. 计算所有向量与(X)轴正向的夹角(alpha),按从小到大进行排列,遇到(alpha)相同的情况,则向量较短(即离(P_{0})较近的点)的排在前面,得到初始点序(P_{1}, P_{2}, ..., P_{n}),由几何关系可知点序中第一个点(P_{1})和最后一个点(P_{n})一定在凸包上;
  4. (P_{0})(P_{1})压入栈中,将后续点(P_{2})作为当前点,跳转第8步;
  5. 栈中最上面那个点形成向量(P_{ij}, i < j), 利用叉乘判断当前点是否在该向量的左边还是右边或者向量上
  6. 如果在左边或者向量上,则将当前点压入栈中,下一个点作为当前点,跳转第8步
  7. 如果当前点在向量右边,则表明栈顶元素不在凸包上,将栈顶元素弹出,跳转第5步;
  8. 判断当前点是否是最后一个元素,如果是则将其压缩栈中,栈中所有元素即是凸包上所有点,算法结束,否则跳到第5步。


int ConvexHullGraham(const std::vector<Point> &p, std::vector<Point> &q, bool bShiftToZero = false) 
  const numIn = p.size();
  // Step 1:
  // Find point with minimum y
  // if more than 1 points have the same minimum y,
  // pick the one with the minimum x.
  int t = 0;
  for (int i = 1; i < numIn; i++) {
    if (p[i].y < p[t].y || (p[i].y == p[t].y && p[i].x < p[t].x)) {
      t = i;
  Point& start = p[t]; // starting point

  // Step 2:
  // Subtract starting point from every points (for sorting in the next step)
  for (int i = 0; i < numIn; i++) {
    q[i] = p[i] - start;

  // Swap the starting point to position 0
  Point tmp = q[0];
  q[0] = q[t];
  q[t] = tmp;

  // Step 3:
  // Sort point 1 ~ numIn according to their relative cross-product values
  // (essentially sorting according to angles)
  // If the angles are the same, sort according to their distance to origin
  float dist(numIn);
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || __HCC__ == 1 || __HIP__ == 1
  // compute distance to origin before sort, and sort them together with the
  // points
  for (int i = 0; i < numIn; i++) {
    dist[i] = Dot2d(q[i], q[i]);

  // CUDA version
  // In the future, we can potentially use thrust
  // for sorting here to improve speed (though not guaranteed)
  for (int i = 1; i < numIn - 1; i++) {
    for (int j = i + 1; j < numIn; j++) {
      float crossProduct = Cross2d(q[i], q[j]);
      if ((crossProduct < -1e-6) || (std::fabs(crossProduct) < 1e-6 && dist[i] > dist[j])) {
        Point qTmp = q[i];
        q[i] = q[j];
        q[j] = qTmp;
        Point distTmp = dist[i];
        dist[i] = dist[j];
        dist[j] = distTmp;
  // CPU version
      q + 1, q + numIn, [](const Point& A, const Point& B) -> bool {
        float temp = Cross2d(A, B);
        if (std::fabs(temp) < 1e-6) {
          return Dot2d(A, A) < Dot2d(B, B);
        } else {
          return temp > 0;
  // compute distance to origin after sort, since the points are now different.
  for (int i = 0; i < numIn; i++) {
    dist[i] = Dot2d(q[i], q[i]);

  // Step 4:
  // Make sure there are at least 2 points (that don't overlap with each other)
  // in the stack
  int k; // index of the non-overlapped second point
  for (k = 1; k < numIn; k++) {
    if (dist[k] > 1e-8) {
  if (k == numIn) {
    // We reach the end, which means the convex hull is just one point
    q[0] = p[t];
    return 1;
  q[1] = q[k];
  int m = 2; // 2 points in the stack
  // Step 5:
  // Finally we can start the scanning process.
  // When a non-convex relationship between the 3 points is found
  // (either concave shape or duplicated points),
  // we pop the previous point from the stack
  // until the 3-point relationship is convex again, or
  // until the stack only contains two points
  for (int i = k + 1; i < numIn; i++) {
    while (m > 1) {
      auto q1 = q[i] - q[m - 2], q2 = q[m - 1] - q[m - 2];
      // Cross2d() uses FMA and therefore computes round(round(q1.x*q2.y) -
      // q2.x*q1.y) So it may not return 0 even when q1==q2. Therefore we
      // compare round(q1.x*q2.y) and round(q2.x*q1.y) directly. (round means
      // round to nearest floating point).
      if (q1.x * q2.y >= q2.x * q1.y)
    // Using double also helps, but float can solve the issue for now.
    // while (m > 1 && Cross2d(q[i] - q[m - 2], q[m - 1] - q[m - 2])
    // >= 0) {
    //     m--;
    // }
    q[m++] = q[i];

  // Step 6 (Optional):
  // In general sense we need the original coordinates, so we
  // need to shift the points back (reverting Step 2)
  // But if we're only interested in getting the area/perimeter of the shape
  // We can simply return.
  if (!bShiftToZero) {
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
      q[i] += start;

  return m;


Arbitrary-Oriented Scene Text Detection via Rotation Proposals
Rotated IoU 计算旋转矩形之间的重叠面积

原文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaxuexiaoab/p/16801579.html








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