编程之美 高清PDF

编程之美 高清PDF



编程之美 收集了约60道算法和程序设计的题目,这些题目大部分在微软的笔试、面试中出现过,有的曾被微软员工热烈地讨论过。作者试图从书中各种有趣的问题出发,引导读者发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,寻找更优的解法。本书分为以下几个部分。

• 游戏之乐:从游戏和其他有趣问题出发,化繁为简,分析总结。

• 数字之魅:编程的过程实际上就是和数字及字符打交道的过程。这部分收集了一些好玩的对数字进行处理的题目。

• 结构之法:汇集了常见的对字符串、链表、队列以及树等进行操作的题目。

• 数学之趣:列举了一些不需要写具体程序的数学问题,锻炼读者的抽象思维能力。





This book collects about 60 topics on algorithm and programming. Most of these topics have appeared in Microsoft's written tests and interviews, and some have been discussed enthusiastically by Microsoft employees. The author tries to start from various interesting problems in the book, guide readers to discover problems, analyze problems, solve problems, and find better solutions. This book is divided into the following parts.

• The joy of games: Starting from games and other interesting problems, simplifying the complex, analyzing and summarizing.

• The magic of numbers: The process of programming is actually the process of dealing with numbers and characters. This section collects some fun numbers-crunching problems.

• The method of structure: brings together the common problems of operating on strings, linked lists, queues, and trees.

• Mathematical Interests: Lists some mathematical problems that do not require writing specific programs to exercise readers' abstract thinking ability.

Most of the topics in this book provide detailed explanations. Each topic is followed by one or two extended questions for readers to delve further into.

The book also tells various short stories about interviews, tells readers what kind of technical talents Microsoft needs, what kind of abilities they value, how to screen talents, and answers readers' questions about interviews, recruitment, and career development in the IT industry. Many of these topics will appear in various written tests and interviews in the IT industry, but the deeper meaning of this book is to guide readers to think and share the joy of thinking and the beauty of programming with readers.





上一篇 2022年7月4日 下午3:35
下一篇 2022年7月4日 下午5:45
